family pic

family pic


I changed my font at

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween continued

One more night of trick-or-treating, carving pumpkins and haunting and we are done! What a great year! It turned out to be a rainy sort of night, but that's ok.

Our little angel...sorry I had a hard time getting a descent picture. She's wearing her pjs under her costume because it was COLD and RAINY!

My little alien...isn't he cute?

And for you grandmas here is a full length pic of Aly.

Pumpkin carving!

And Alyssa kept asking for "mummy wrapped hotdogs" so I made these up. I guess she heard me mention the idea to someone once and retained it in her memory for tonight. She was rather insistant, but I think they turned out alright.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween begins...

Halloween is a lot like Christmas around here. We've got parties to go to all month long a list of traditions that we HAVE to get to. Its a lot of work but a lot of fun! So far we've already had our couple's Halloween party, Kayla had a party with her therapy group at KoTM, the library wee-reads had a party on Thursday, and today there was a Halloween parade and party at Alyssa's preschool, trick-or-treating at Daddy's office, and a ward trunk-or-treat with Grandmama Williams. We've also made and decorated cookies, learned Halloween songs, and picked out pumpkins! And of course Mommy made all the costumes (yay!)

decorating cookies, a Wood tradition

at Daddy's office

Making Witches Brew (homemade rootbeer) with Grandmama before the trunk or treat

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Turn around, Bright Eyes...

Well I finally got around to getting 2 year pics taken of Mikayla. I'm sure you'll agree they were worth waiting for!

And I think we can all agreed that with two such beautiful daughters its time to start construction on the dungeon, or moat, or tower...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lovely Lady

So proud of myself...I found this great dress at an online store for practically nothing, and in 30 minutes made the jacket, a new sash and a hairbow. Alyssa looks great and is so excited for her first primary program!

Cycling through Dishwashers

Our fancy Maytag fried its control panel a couple of weeks ago, at the ripe old age of 3! I'm a little miffed that this happened, and even more annoyed that it cost more to fix than the machine was worth! Luckily I was able to find a steal on KSL, a stainless steal bosch for a good price. I guess its true that you can't stop bad things from happening but if you play your cards right you just might come out on top.

Canning like a mad woman!

Well maybe not a true mad woman but trying to keep up. So far I've made raspberry jam, peach-raspberry jam, salsa, tomatoes, pears, and dehydrated some pears and fruit leather. Next...more salsa. I made 9 pints and Chris has already eaten more than half of it in the last 2 weeks!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Carter's 2 Month Portraits

It took me a while, but here are pictures of the Carter-Man at 2 months! Isn't he delicious-I mean adorable! Enjoy!