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Thursday, September 6, 2012

1st Day of School

August 20, 2012 was Alyssa's first day of 1st Grade and boy!  was she excited!  She couldn't sleep the night before for all her anticipation.  Anyway, she looked fantastic.  Mikayla told us she was going to miss Alyssa when we dropped her off, which was really sweet.  And when I picked up Aly and asked how her day went she responded, " Best day ever!!"  and when I asked about her teacher she said, "Best teacher in the world!!"  So I think we shall have a successful year. (fingers crossed)
Odyssey Charter School, Ms. East's class:

August 28, 2012 was Mikayla's first day of Preschool.  Her second year at Lindon Elementary, Special Ed Preschool with Mrs. Jennifer Nelson and many, many aides and therapists.  Thanks for all the staff does so this little girl can keep developing strong muscles and a strong mind--she already has a very strong heart!
Ironically Christopher was able to take both of these girls to school on their first days because he was leaving on business trips and had a later flight.  And to celebrate (and not cook dinner) Mommy took us all out to Costa Vida for dinner each time.
What about Carter you ask?  He gets time at home with Mom, which he isn't sure what to do with.  The first day we dropped Mikayla off he cried and said, "Jo-Jo go bye."  But I think he's getting used to it now, although he plays so hard its not unusual to find him on the floor like this:

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